Maatsen's future still uncertain: 'I have nothing to prove to Chelsea'

It is still unclear where Ian Maatsen will play after the summer. The 22-year-old left-back is having a successful loan spell at Borussia Dortmund but has not heard anything from his parent club Chelsea.

Maatsen's future still uncertain: 'I have nothing to prove to Chelsea' Embed from Getty Images

Maatsen, who will play with Dortmund in the Champions League final against Real Madrid on Saturday, has a contract in London until mid-2026 but has not had any contact about his future there.

"In the past weeks? No, not yet," responded the left-back, who will not be going to the Euros, in an interview with ESPN. "I think I still have a contract, and after the summer, we will decide where my future lies. For now, I'm focusing only on the Champions League final and, of course, what comes next."

"I have nothing to prove to Chelsea," Maatsen continued. "I only have something to prove to myself. I came here to show myself that I can play at the highest level, and that is what I'm doing now. My focus has always been on performing to the best of my abilities and contributing to the team's success. Whether it's in training or during matches, I aim to give my all and make the most of every opportunity."

During his loan spell at Borussia Dortmund, Maatsen has impressed both fans and coaches with his consistent performances and versatility on the field. His ability to play both defensively and offensively has made him a valuable asset to the team. In particular, his goal in the quarterfinals against Atlético Madrid was a highlight of his season, showcasing his skill and composure under pressure.

"Playing for Dortmund has been an incredible experience," Maatsen said. "The club has a great tradition of nurturing young talent, and they have given me the platform to prove myself. From the moment I arrived, I felt welcomed and supported by everyone at the club. It's been a fantastic environment to grow and develop as a player."

Despite his success at Dortmund, Maatsen acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding his future. "It's a bit strange not knowing what will happen next," he admitted. "But that's part of football. For now, my only focus is on the Champions League final. It's a huge game, and we have worked so hard to get here. I want to give everything I have to help the team and hopefully win the trophy."

Maatsen's journey to the Champions League final has been a testament to his determination and resilience. Overcoming challenges and adapting to different playing styles, he has shown that he can compete at the highest level. His performances have not gone unnoticed, and there is speculation about interest from other top clubs in Europe.

"Of course, it's flattering to hear about interest from other clubs," Maatsen said. "But my priority is to finish the season strongly with Dortmund. After that, we will see what happens. I'm confident that whatever the future holds, I will be ready to face it."

As he prepares for one of the biggest matches of his career, Maatsen remains focused and grounded. "It's important to stay humble and keep working hard," he said. "I know that there is always room for improvement, and I strive to be better every day. The support from the fans and the club has been amazing, and I want to make them proud."

Maatsen's story is one of perseverance and self-belief. As he steps onto the field at the Champions League final, he carries with him the hopes and dreams of many. Regardless of the outcome, his journey so far is a testament to his talent and dedication, and his future in football looks promising.

Updated: 04:04, 31 May 2024

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